Sawyer Glacier (Picture)

The twin Sawyer Glaciers, North Sawyer and South Sawyer, are located at the end of Tracy Arm. The wildlife in the area includes black and brown bears, deer, wolves, harbo seals, and a variety of birds, such as Arctic terns and pigeon guillemots. The mountain goats, which are usually found in the higher elevation areas, have been seen near the base of Sawyer Glacier.


North Pole, South Pole, Arctic, Antarctica, Pôle Nord, Pôle Sud, Arctique, Antarctique, Nordpol, Südpol, Arktis, Antarktis, Polo Nord, Polo Sud, Artico, Antartide, Polo Norte, Polo Sur, Ártico, Antártida, polar philately, topical philately.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Welcome the 4000th Visitors

Aqui ficam as melhores saudações Filatélicas, para os visitantes de todo o mundo, que diariamente visitam o meu blog.

(English version)
Here are the best Philatelic greetings to visitors from all over the world who daily visit my blog.

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